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스페인 마드리드 양떼축제

Shepherds lead their sheep through the centre of Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012. Spanish shepherds led flocks of sheep through the streets of downtown Madrid in defense of ancient grazing, migration and droving rights threatened by urban sprawl and man-made frontiers. The rights to droving routes have existed since before Madrid grew from a rural hamlet to the great capital it is today. (AP)
Shepherds lead their sheep through the centre of Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012. Spanish shepherds led flocks of sheep through the streets of downtown Madrid in defense of ancient grazing, migration and droving rights threatened by urban sprawl and man-made frontiers. The rights to droving routes have existed since before Madrid grew from a rural hamlet to the great capital it is today. (AP)
지난 일요일 스페인의 수도 마드리드에 2천여 마리의 양떼가 등장하는 진풍경이 연출됐다.

스페인 뉴스통신사 EFE는 제19회 스페인양떼축제를 보도하면서 세비야와 톨레도 등 스페인 각지에서 온 수천 마리의 양과 소, 말들이 마드리드 거리를 활보하는 모습을 전했다.

마드리드 시와 스페인 농림식품환경부가 공동주최한 이 행사는 스페인의 전통 유목생활을 되새기기 위한 것으로 목동들이 여름철 목초지에서 겨울철을 위한 보금자리로 이동하는 중에 마드리드 중심부를 지나던 행사를 재연하고 있다.

수천 여 명의 국내외 관광객들을 유치하는 이 행사는 가축을 이동시키는 경로를 이용하는 데 수수료를 부과하던 수 세기에 걸친 관습을 재현하는 이벤트도 포함하고 있다.

목동과 목축업자들의 권리를 위해 1994년부터 개최되고 있는 이 연례 축제는 지난 1995년 스페인 국회의 인가를 받았다고 EFE가 보도했다. (코리아헤럴드)

<관련 영문 기사>

2,000 sheep make appearance in Madrid

The people of Madrid were treated to the rare sight of about 2,000 sheep milling through the downtown area Sunday.

The herd of sheep, along with about four dozen cows and several horses, were brought into the heart of the city of more than 3 million people from Seville and Toledo by shepherds and their dogs as part of the XIX National Festival of Transhumance, the EFE news agency reported.

The event, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment in collaboration with the city of Madrid, is in recognition of the traditional nomadic path shepherds would take through the center of the capital as they moved their herds from their summer pastures to wintering areas.

The festivities, which drew thousands of locals and tourists, also included the ceremonial payment of the nominal droving fee that was required for centuries for use of the droving route, EFE said.

There also was an exhibition of sheep shearing and vendors offering traditional local foods.

The festival, meant to keep alive the shepherds‘ droving rights, was first held in 1994 and received parliamentary approval in 1995, the news agency noted. (UPI)
