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[팟캐스트](254) 메르세데스-벤츠 뉴 C-Class 시승기, 태극전사들 아시안 게임 준비

AMG steering wheel (Mercedes-Benz Korea)
AMG steering wheel (Mercedes-Benz Korea)

진행자: 김보경, Anita McKay

1. Benz hopes to remain Koreans’ favorite with 2019 Benz C-Class

기사 요약: 메르세데스-벤츠의 베스트 셀링 C클래쓰가 페이스 리프트를 통해 더 강해지고 스포티해졌습니다. 뉴 C클래쓰는 벤츠 코리아 차종 중 두 번째로 많이 팔리는 모델이고, 전체 수입차 시장에서 차종별 판매대수 4위의 모델입니다.

[1] LUXEMBOURG -- Introduced to South Korean drivers in 2003 with the setup of Mercedes-Benz Korea, the German luxury carmaker’s C-Class lineup has since become one of Korea’s most preferred import cars.

*setup: 설립
*import car: 수입차

[2] The first C-Class introduced here was the 203 series equipped with the carmaker’s then-most innovative technology, the Sequentronic automated six-speed transmission.

*equip: 장비를 갖추다
*then-A: 당시에
*innovative: 혁신적인

[3] The roots of the globally popular lineup dates back to 1982 when the 190 model was launched as the first of the 201 series, categorized in the compact class.

* roots of: 뿌리의
* dates back to: 거슬러 올라가다
*categorized: 분류되다

[4] Widely known by as “Baby S-Class,” the C-Class lineup has garnered demand worldwide and in Korea on its unique positioning as an affordable version of the ultrahigh-end S-Class.

*Widely known as A: A로 널리 알려진
*garner: 모으다
*affordable: 알맞은 가격

[5] In 2017, 415,000 C-Class cars were sold around the world, ranking No. 1 in sales by model. Trailing behind were the E-Class with 350,000 units and S-Class with 70,000 units, according to the company.

* Trailing behind were A: A가 뒤따라오다


2. After World Cup exit, S. Korean football shifts focus to Asian Games

기사 요약: 아쉽게 2018 올림픽에서 16강 진출의 고배를 마신 태극전사들은 이제 올 8월 개막하는 아시안게임 준비에 집중할 예정입니다.

[1] After suffering a group stage exit at the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Korea are set to shift their focus to the Asian Games, with all eyes on the possible selection of Son Heung-min.

* suffer: 고통받다
* shift: 옮기다
* with all eyes on A: 모든 관심이 A에 쏠리다

[2] Korea's World Cup squad was officially disbanded on Friday after its return from the World Cup in Russia. The Taeguk Warriors failed to reach the round of 16 after finishing third in Group F. They lost 1-0 to Sweden and fell 2-1 to Mexico but blanked defending champions Germany 2-0.

* disband: 해체
* round of 16: 16강
* blanked: 이기다

[3] After their four-year journey to football's showpiece event ended with regrets, Korea will now move on to the Asian Games in Indonesia, where they will try to defend their gold medal.

* defend: 사수하다

[4] The men's football competition at the Asian Games will be held from Aug. 14 to Sept. 1 with 32 teams. Korea are one of the eight seeded teams.

Only players born in or after January 1995 are eligible to take part in the men's football competition at the Asian Games, but a maximum of three players who are older than 23 can also be included on the official list of 20 players.

* eligible: (자격 등이 맞아서) 할 수 있는

