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S. Korea, U.S. to hold first high-level talks on Africa

South Korea will hold its first high-level talks with the United States over African affairs next week in Seoul in a bid to coordinate the two countries policies on the region, the foreign ministry said Saturday.

   Song Woong-yeob, Director General for African and Middle Eastern Affairs, will lead the Korean delegation at the Monday meeting while the U.S. side will be led by Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

   During the discussions, the two countries will share policies on Africa as well as their outlooks and evaluation of the current situation in the region, which is rich in natural resources.

   They will also examine ways to protect their citizens on the continent during crisis situations, the ministry said.

   "The government is solidifying diplomacy in Africa for mutually beneficial cooperation with Africa, which is a new growth engine for the 21st century," an official said. "(We) plan to have annual policy discussions with the U.S. in order to share the experience of the U.S. as an advanced country."

   The Seoul government began its annual talks on Africa with France in 2009, the ministry added.
(Yonhap News)
