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National Assembly to have Korean Provisional Assembly seal sent home

A relative of a Korean independence fighter on Thursday expressed her intention to donate to South Korea the official seal of the Korean Provisional Assembly, which was established in Shanghai during Japan's colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula, a parliamentary official said.

Hong Chang-hyu, granddaughter-in-law of Hong Chin (1877-1946), who led the provisional government and the Korean Provisional Assembly, said she will return the seal kept by her to South Korea's parliament when she met National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang and a group of South Korean lawmakers over lunch at a New York hotel.


"Moon deeply appreciated the decision by Hong to repatriate the seal to South Korea in accordance with her late husband's wishes,"

National Assembly spokesman Lee Kye-sung told a group of South Korean reporters after the meeting.

Lee said Hong's husband, who died three years ago, left in his will his wish to have the seal donated to South Korean parliament in return for the installation of a bust of his grandfather at the parliamentary building.

The National Assembly adopted a bill on the installation of the sculpture in November last year, with the bust to be set up in the National Assembly Library.

It is also contemplating a plan to hold a ceremony opening the seal to the public on April 10, when the country marks the 100th anniversary of holding the first session of the Provisional Assembly in the Chinese city.

Also under consideration is the reenactment of the Provisional Assembly's first session in Shanghai by the parliamentary leader on the 100th anniversary.

The granddaughter-in-law also plans to unveil the Charter of the Provisional Assembly that she has preserved at the ceremony in Seoul.

During the meeting with Moon, Hong was quoted as saying that she was overwhelmed to learn that Hong Chin sent a letter of condolences over the 1919 death of US President Theodore Roosevelt in the capacity of Provisional Assembly Speaker, when she visited a memorial on the late US leader in Washington. (Yonhap)
