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McDonald’s McDelivery scooters to go all green by 2021

McDonald’s in Korea will replace all of its motorbikes used for its delivery service with electric scooters by 2021, the Korean branch of the fast food chain said Tuesday.

“In the next three years, we are going to replace around 1,400 vehicles (operated by) restaurants under direct management with electric bikes,” it said in a statement.

Electric bikes are lined up at a McDonald's chain in Jeju. (McDonald's Korea)
Electric bikes are lined up at a McDonald's chain in Jeju. (McDonald's Korea)

The fast food giant has placed around 40 electric bikes late last year for its operations on Jeju Island as the first phrase of the plan.

The use of an electric bike, instead of a gasoline-powered scooter, will reduce around 669 kilograms of carbon emissions a year or 937 metric tons in total if 1,400 units are adopted in the next three years, it said.

The project will have an effect in equivalent to planting 87,000 pine trees, it added.

By Cho Chung-un (