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Only 11 percent of graduating students have steady jobs to go to

Only 1 in 9 university students graduating this year have been hired as regular workers, a survey conducted by the job searching portal site, Job Korea showed Monday.

According to Job Korea, among some 1,112 students surveyed, only 11 percent answered that they have been hired for regular positions -- meaning full-time work with with permanent contracts.

Another 10 had found work on irregular contracts, while the remaining 79 percent said that they have yet to find employment. 

(Job Korea)
(Job Korea)

Compared to January 2016, the proportion of those who found permanent positions before graduation fell by 5.9 percentage points. Over the same period, the figures for graduates leaving university into irregular positions dropped by 12.2 percentage points.

The employment rate of female students, at 10.3 percent, was lower than male students at 11.6 percent.

According to the survey, the subject students majored in was linked to the likelihood of finding a job. Business and economics majors had a 13.2 percent regular employment rate, with 12.2 percent for natural sciences and engineering followed by art, music and physical education majors at 10.2 percent.

By Kim Hye-soo (