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Moon's approval rating rebounds from record low: Gallup

The approval rating of President Moon Jae-in rebounded this week after recently hitting a record low, a polling company revealed Friday.

The latest survey conducted from Tuesday to Thursday on 1,200 adults put his approval rating at 48 percent, up 3 percentage points from the last poll three weeks earlier, according to Gallup Korea. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points and a 95 percent confidence level. 


The president's disapproval rating came to 44 percent, down 2 percentage points over the cited period.

Moon's approval rating had fallen to 45 percent, the lowest recorded, with negative views on his policies outpacing positive sentiment.

This week's survey saw a reversal in the assessments, as supporters eclipsed naysayers.

On Thursday, Moon addressed the nation in his new year message and vowed to continue efforts to prop up the local economy and to bring peace on the Korean Peninsula.

He also made it clear that he is not having second thoughts about his key economic policy of "inclusive growth", stressing that it's right for the country's future.

The pollster said Moon's new year's speech was not likely to have affected the survey since it took place on the last day of the poll.

By age group, younger generations were more supportive of the president, with people in their 30s and 40s recording 58-59 percent in Moon's favor.

The approval rating of those in their 60s, in contrast, stood at 35 percent.

The approval rating of the ruling Democratic Party stayed almost unchanged at 40 percent. The corresponding figure for the main opposition Liberty Korea Party came to 16 percent, down 2 percentage points. (Yonhap)
