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Gracias Choir of Korea performs in Uganda

The Gracias Choir of Korea performed at the “Passover Festival,” a massive religious year-end event in Uganda, at the Mandela National Stadium in the African country on the last day of 2018, organizers said.

The festival was organized by Born Again Faith, the largest pastoral organization in Uganda. BAF invited the Korean choir under the International Youth Fellowship based in Seoul. 

The Gracias Choir of Korea performs at the Mandela National Stadium in Uganda on Dec. 31. (IYF)
The Gracias Choir of Korea performs at the Mandela National Stadium in Uganda on Dec. 31. (IYF)

IYF officials said the choir performed eight songs, including traditional Ugandan folk songs. The choir also sang Uganda’s national anthem in the local language to an ovation from 100,000 spectators in attendance, the officials added.

Jacob L. Oulanyah, deputy chairman of the National Assembly, several government officials and over 1,000 local pastors were among the 100,000 who packed the stadium, the officials said.

The choir, founded in 2000, aims to deliver messages of hope and peace worldwide through music. (
