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70% of Seoulites approve of slogan ‘I.Seoul.U’: poll

Seoul’s slogan “I.Seoul.U” meets the approval of 70.7 percent of the city’s residents, a poll conducted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government showed Wednesday.

The poll, which involved 1,000 Seoulites ranging in age from their 20s to their 50s, showed 84 percent were aware of the “I.Seoul.U” brand and 70.7 percent held “a favorable view” of it.

(Seoul Metropolitan Government)
(Seoul Metropolitan Government)
(Seoul Metropolitan Government)
(Seoul Metropolitan Government)

The results show a surge in citizens’ awareness since 2016’s 63 percent and 2017’s 66.3 percent. Approval of the slogan likewise increased, from 52.8 percent in 2016 and 57.1 percent in 2017.

The survey was conducted from Nov. 26 to Dec. 10 last year to evaluate public opinion on the third anniversary of the slogan’s launch.

“I.Seoul.U” was introduced in October 2015 after a two-part survey: an online poll for the general public and an on-the-spot questionnaire for a panel of city residents and experts.

Not-so-favorable views also came up in the responses, however. Those who disapproved, 29.3 percent of respondents, said the slogan was “incomprehensible,” “unoriginal” or “not catchy.”

The Seoul government added that of 748 foreign nationals who visited its website, 95.5 percent said they were aware of the city’s slogan, with 98 percent expressing “favorable views.”

By Kim Arin (