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Lawmaker praises San E’s ‘Feminist’ in rant about gender inequality

Lawmaker Ha Tae-kyung voiced his concerns over the growing sentiment that young men are being subjected to “reverse discrimination,” and urged his online followers to listen to rapper San E’s “Feminist” to better understand their struggle.

The member of the minor conservative Bareunmirae Party took to Facebook on Sunday and praised San E’s song, saying society continues to tell young men that they are “oppressing women,” which he said creates antagonism.

In a lengthy post, the lawmaker also said the idea that women are still the victims of discrimination is a “rigid dogma” in society. He then went on to quote the song, writing, “Why are you not joining the military! Why do I have to pay on a date! Let’s split the bill when buying a house.” 


In the past, the lawmaker continued, men were able to bear heavier financial burdens than women as they were able to find employment more easily, but it has become “extremely difficult” for men to find a job.

His post follows an incident involving liberal firebrand and former Health and Welfare Minister Rhyu Si-min, who came under fire just over a week ago for remarks implying that young men are at a greater disadvantage than women because they have to watch soccer and play video games.

During a public event on Dec. 21, Rhyu was asked about Moon’s plunging approval ratings among men in their 20s, which stood at 38 percent according to a Gallup poll from mid-December.

“They (men) have to watch soccer, which women don’t watch. They have to play League of Legends, but women don’t play LoL and study instead. Men are at a disadvantage in all aspects,” Rhyu said.

The comment was met with criticism, including calls for an apology from a youth spokesperson for the Bareunmirae Party.

San E’s song “Feminist” has generated controversy since its release in November.

One line in the song goes, “I don’t understand that men and women aren’t equal at this point. It’d make sense if my grandmother said so, but what was so unfair when you grew up?”

The video for the track has been viewed over 2.7 million times on YouTube.

By Yim Hyun-su (