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[Eye Plus] Letting go

After hours of strenuous waiting, standing against the wicked winter winds, those who have flocked to scenic viewpoints stare in awe at the sea’s horizon.

On South Korea’s west coast, the gleaming yellow sun in the ruddy sky inches closer to the horizon. Hues spread along the horizon get overwhelmingly richer, creating more dazzling reflections off the waters of the Yellow Sea.

Soon, the blinding glare gives way to red-tinged dusk, as the sun goes out of sight, down the horizon.

It was worth the hourslong ride. The image Mother Nature paints does not come easily, as often times visitors at the scenic point return home empty-handed due to unfavorable weather conditions.

Each sunset at this time of the year nibbles away at the remaining length of time in this year before next year dawns.

This makes every sunset in late December to uniquely be cherished. Watching the glamour and splendor of the sunset is more than just entertainment. It could be a soul-searching ritual of letting go of the past and getting ready to start afresh in the wake of New Year’s Day.

Looking back on the journey throughout 2018, visitors find it was yet another year of ups and downs. Letting go of the sun, visitors have the chance to contemplate what they did wrong, what they regret and what they stopped short of. Letting go of hate, remorse and agony, visitors fill the void with a sense of delight, with wishes, anticipation and resolutions for the forthcoming year.

Photos by Park Hyun-koo
Written by Son Ji-hyoung