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N. Korean media touch on UN's move on its human rights abuses

Just ahead of the United Nations' vote on a resolution against its human rights conditions, North Korea on Monday took note of Washington's failed attempt to discuss the issue at the international agency earlier this month.

In a belated report, the communist nation's state news agency, KCNA, pointed out that the United States has sought to bring the issue to the UN Security Council (UNSC) every year since 2014.


"But its attempt went amiss this year," it said. "The US proposal for consulting the 'human rights issue' of the DPRK was refused by several member states of the UNSC." The DPRK is the acronym of North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The US won support from only eight countries on the 15-member panel, one short of the nine needed for formal discussions on the matter.

The KCNA argued, "Many media in Asian, African and Western countries broadly report that the US, given to high-handed and arbitrary practices at the UNSC, was put to shame under the eyes of the world."

The report came as the UN General Assembly is scheduled to vote on the North Korea human rights resolution early in the morning on Tuesday (Seoul time). (Yonhap)
