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Schoolteacher under #MeToo probe found dead

A high school teacher under police investigation over sexual harassment allegations was found dead in Daejeon on Monday.

Apartment management staff found the man, 42, lying dead on a flower bed in an apartment complex in Daejeon’s Yuseong district on Monday and reported the death to police at 4:48 p.m., the Yuseong Police Station said Tuesday. 


Police suspect that the man took his own life because some of his clothing was found on the 19th floor of the apartment building. He is also believed to have apologized to his family in text messages just before he jumped.

Police said they are speaking with his family to determined the facts.

The deceased was the subject of a complaint filed by the city’s education office after an internal investigation in the wake of #MeToo allegations on social media in September.

Upon reviewing #MeToo allegations from students against some teachers in Daejeon, the metropolitan education office found that some had molested students, used abusive language, given coercive instructions, made sexist remarks, and used excessive and inappropriate sexual expressions during class.

The education authorities filed complaints with the police against five teachers, including the deceased, accusing them of violating the law on the protection of children and juveniles against sex offenses.

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By Kim So-hyun (