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Moon to receive briefing from education, labor ministries on 2019 policy plan

President Moon Jae-in is set to receive a briefing from the education and labor ministries on their 2019 policy plans Tuesday, the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae said.

Yoo Eun-hae, the education minister and the deputy prime minister for social affairs, will make reports to Moon at the government complex in the administrative city of Sejong.


It will be followed by a discussion about how to overhaul the education ministry and boost confidence for public education and ways to set up a level playing field to become an inclusive nation.

Moon will also visit the ministry's early childhood education division to encourage public servants there.

"The division is preparing for ways to strengthen kindergartens' public role and increase classes of state and public kindergartens, as well as improve education services following the revelation of irregularities at private kindergartens," a presidential official said.

Later in the day, Labor Minister Lee Jae-kap will brief Moon over his ministry's 2019 policy goals.

Moon and labor ministry officials will have discussions over ways to innovate a labor safety net for the underprivileged and changes in life under the 52 hours per week work system.

The president will also meet with officials at the ministry's labor standard policy division in charge of cutting working hours and hiking the minimum wage.

Next week, five ministries will brief Moon on their policy plans for next year and other ministries will do so in January. (Yonhap)
