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N. Korea bristles at S. Korea's decisions to purchase foreign weapons

North Korean propaganda media outlets bristled Monday at South Korea's decisions to purchase foreign weapons, saying the move is no different from the confrontational attitude of the previous conservative administration.

South Korea has recently announced plans to purchase Israeli-made Green Pine Block C radar systems for nearly $300 million, as well as US-made P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft and other foreign-made weapons and military hardware.

Kang Hwan-seok, spokesman for the Defence Acquisition Program Administration (Yonhap)
Kang Hwan-seok, spokesman for the Defence Acquisition Program Administration (Yonhap)

Uriminzokkiri, one of the North's propaganda websites, strongly denounced the decisions.

"The South Korean military's attitude, which is no different from the rash acts during the past era of confrontation, is bound to trigger condemnations from the entire Korean people and the international community," the propaganda outlet said in an article.

The South should "learn a lesson from the collapse of the previous conservative administration that had driven inter-Korean relations to the worst phase."

Other propaganda outlets, such as DPRK Today and Meari, carried similar articles denouncing the South's decisions, saying such weapons purchases amount to "sharpening a knife behind the scenes while calling for peace on the surface." (Yonhap)
