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NK calls for full implementation of inter-Korean summit deals

A North Korean state propaganda outlet called Friday for full implementation of inter-Korean summit agreements amid scant progress in economic cooperation between the two Koreas and no signs of easing sanctions from the US. 


Uriminzokkiri, the external propaganda website, said the two Koreas should accelerate their push for reconciliation by fully implementing the two summit agreements reached between their leaders earlier this year.

"A series of events is taking place between North and South Korea, including talks and cooperation in various sectors, for their reconciliation, unity and peace," it said.

North Korea has been repeatedly calling for the implementation of the summit agreements, adding that they should not depend on other countries in the process for reconciliation.

On Thursday, Uriminzokkiri also said the two Koreas "should not mind anybody else" in carrying out inter-Korean deals.

"However good agreements are made between the North and the South ... they cannot resolve distrust and confrontation unless they are carried out," it said. "The North and the South should not mind anybody else in carrying out North-South joint declarations, including the September Pyongyang Joint Declaration."

The comments were made amid a stalemate in nuclear talks between the U.S. and North Korea, and apparent efforts by Washington to prevent inter-Korean cooperation from outpacing denuclearization talks.

Seoul and Washington launched a working group last month for communication on North Korea policy amid speculation about a possible rift between them on an approach toward Pyongyang. (Yonhap)
