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British Council starts 3rd YCCA program

The British Council will be recruiting the third group of their Young Climate Change Ambassador program.

YCCA is a university climate change leadership program for planning and executing a variety of projects on climate change and environmental protection.

University students who wish to apply for this year’s YCCA program should submit a project proposal on the theme of “Educating Middle School Students on Climate Change” in Korean or English to the British Council by April 15.

“We believe the program will play a pivotal role in raising awareness on climate change among the younger generation,” said Roland Davies, director of the British Council Korea.

The selection process consists of the first phase document screening and the second phase English presentation and interview. The 30 selected candidates will be announced during the second week of May.

After the kickoff ceremony in May, the third round of selected students will be divided into teams and eligible to attend various overseas leadership training programs and workshops arranged by the British Council.

In addition, throughout the year, the YCCA will participate in educational programs on climate change and an eco-camp, as well as international exchange projects for middle school students around the nation.

YCCA members who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate and the best team will receive an opportunity to go on an overseas climate change trip.

“Last year, 30 YCCA members personally developed education programs and conducted very earnest and meaningful sessions with over 350 middle school students nationwide,” Davies said.

By Yoav Cerralbo (