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KT plans to expand overseas network to improve Netflix connection

Korea’s major telecom and internet provider KT is seeking to expand its overseas network to improve internet connection for subscribers of Netflix, as an increasing number of domestic subscribers are suffering from poor video quality amid the surge in users. 

According to industry sources, KT is planning to ratchet up its network capacity by the month-end. The firm declined to comment on exactly when the project will be completed and increase in capacity.


There are mounting complaints by Netflix subscribers about the poor video quality and low speeds. Analysts assess that a connection speed of 5 megabits per second or faster is required to watch Netflix videos in HD quality.

Last month, SK Broadband, the internet service subsidiary of Korea’s biggest telecom company SK Telecom, said it will double the overseas network to 100 gigabits per second to deal with the heavy traffic from Netflix.

The number of Netflix subscribers on the Android platform in Korea jumped about fourfold last year, from 340,000 in January to 1.27 million in December, according to local app analysis company market Wise App.
