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ASEAN lecture series gets new twist

The ASEAN-Korea Center has organized its sixth lecture series titled “Rising ASEAN and Korea” to be held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. until July 5 at the Center’s ASEAN Hall.

The lecture series aims to enhance understanding and support for ASEAN member states.

“We are presenting the rising ASEAN and the growing ASEAN-Korea relations and discussing how to upgrade our promising ties in the future,” said the center’s Secretary General Cho Young-jai.

The next session will be held Tuesday in which former Ambassador to China Shin Jung-seung will talk about “China’s Strategy on External Relations and Southeast Asia.”

“Japan’s Strategy vis-a-vis Southeast Asia” will be discussed when the Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Director-General for South Asian and Pacific Affairs Suh Jeong-in takes the podium on June 21.

Former Ambassador to Vietnam Im Hong-jae will talk about “Rising China and Vietnam’s Chance and Challenge” on June 28.

The last session will be delivered by Lee Won-hyung, former ambassador to Cambodia, under the theme of “Emerging ASEAN and Implications for Korea” on July 5 which will be followed by a panel discussion on the theme joined by former Ambassador to Indonesia Lee Sun-jin and Yang Bong-ryull, ambassador to ASEAN and former ambassador to Malaysia. The lectures will be held on the eighth floor of the Press Center Building.

For more information, visit, or contact the center at or call (02) 2287-1145.

By Yoav Cerralbo (