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N. Korea presses Japan to break from US-led sanctions

North Korea's external propaganda media on Tuesday urged Japan to withdraw its "anachronistic and self-destructive" support for the United States-led sanctions on the North.

The Tongil Sinbo, a weekly magazine controlled by the Pyongyang regime, said in an article that Tokyo should deviate from its unilateral participation in Washington-initiated policies, including its support for anti-North Korea sanctions.


"Japan's blind pursuit of the United States' instruction for sanctions on North Korea is an anachronistic and self-destructive act, particularly when circumstances in Northeast Asia are rapidly changing due to unexpected progress in North-US relations," the magazine said.

It then warned that Japan won't be able to improve its relations with North Korea and will certainly be isolated in Northeast Asia as long as it sticks to sanctions on the North.

Citing Washington's imposition of high tariffs on Japanese steel and aluminum products and its demands for agricultural market opening and weapons purchases, the magazine noted that Japan will be the eventual loser as long as it fails to look straight at the reality.

In a similar criticism of Japan, Pyongyang's external propaganda website Uriminzokkiri said Monday that Tokyo should assume a faithful attitude towards its historical responsibility for the Korean Peninsula if it really wants to improve relations with North Korea.

Watchers say Pyongyang's repeated condemnation of Tokyo appears aimed at putting more pressure on the Japanese government and securing practical economic benefits, such as sanctions relief, through their alleged secret contacts on improving their relationship. (Yonhap)
