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N. Korea touts bumper harvest of potatoes

North Korea's main newspaper on Monday reported a record harvest of potatoes in its northeastern province of Yanggang this year.

The Rodong Sinmun said that workers of Daehongdan County in Yanggang Province produced an average of 51.5 tons of potatoes and a maximum of over 70 tons per jongbo, the equivalent of about 10,000 square meters, creating an innovation that surpasses the previous peak harvest year.

A file photo released by the Korean Central News Agency on Oct. 30, 2018, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspecting a potato processing plant in Yanggang Province. (For Use Only in the Republic of Korea. No Redistribution) (Yonhap)
A file photo released by the Korean Central News Agency on Oct. 30, 2018, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspecting a potato processing plant in Yanggang Province. (For Use Only in the Republic of Korea. No Redistribution) (Yonhap)

The mouthpiece of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea said that a Daehongdan County farm produced more than 10,000 tons, or an average of 52.6 tons per jongbo, achieving 126.2 percent of this year's goal, while another county farm recorded a per jongbo output of 73.6 tons.

The newspaper noted that due to the record harvest, the distribution share of agricultural workers, or the amount of potatoes taken by the farmers except for the state quota, has also increased.

Watchers speculate that the newspaper's attempt to play up this year's potato harvest seems to reflect the Pyongyang regime's intent to show North Korean residents a positive outlook on the future amid stalled talks on denuclearization and sanctions relief.

In a separate front-page editorial, the Rodong Sinmun also urged the people to achieve a good harvest of crops and reinforce their stronghold of revolution to deal a blow to hostile forces.

The editorial also recommended that farmers take full preparations against drought next year to achieve another bumper harvest. (Yonhap)
