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Janitor donates 20% of monthly wages for 7 years

A janitor who has donated 21 million won ($18,600) to charity over the past seven years, setting aside 20 percent of his monthly income, has drawn praise for his efforts.

Shin Woong-sun, 56, recently told the Yonhap News Agency that “emptying led to happiness” for him.

Shin started working as a janitor in 2002, when he was 40. His main job was cleaning the streets. In 2005, he developed spondylitis, a type of arthritis that affects the spine. He also lives with a circulatory ailment called Raynaud syndrome, and the intense pain he experienced caused him to want to help others.

Shin Woong-sun (Yonhap)
Shin Woong-sun (Yonhap)

“If I were to die, I decided I would discard what I own and give to others,” Shin said. “Happiness returned manifold after I began a life of ‘emptying.’”

Shin still owes 60 million won on his mortgage, but that hasn’t stopped him from making his monthly donations.

Giving 20 percent of his earnings isn’t easy, but Shin says he believes he can pay off his mortgage with the severance pay he receives after he retires.

“Making money is important, but what’s more important is how to spend it. I am truly happy when I give,” Shin said. 

Shin Woong-sun (Yonhap)
Shin Woong-sun (Yonhap)

Since Shin started his goodwill giving, he’s received some good news. Six years ago, his health insurance coverage expanded to include the medication Shin has to take every eight weeks, which costs 2 million won a bottle. Also, Incheon’s Namdong-gu office, the district where Shin works, has assigned him the somewhat easier task of collecting discarded light bulbs instead of cleaning the streets.

“Only once you empty are you able to refill. Living only looking upwards blinds your vision, but once you look down, there are many who are in need of help,” Shin said.

Shin’s two children have followed in their father’s footsteps and are involved in fundraising for nonprofit organizations.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (