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[Weather] Fine dust covers nation on Suneung day

Students taking this year’s Suneung, or college entrance exam, Thursday can expect warmer weather than last year, though “bad” fine dust levels are expected in the capital area.

The morning temperature will go down as low as 2 degrees Celsius, which is higher than last year’s exam day. The mercury will climb up in the afternoon, with the weather agency warning of wide fluctuations in temperature throughout the day. Temperatures are expected to be between minus 1 C and 10 C in the morning, and 13 C and 18 C later in the day.

Students taking college entrance exam `suneung` wearing masks on the day of exam (Yonhap)
Students taking college entrance exam `suneung` wearing masks on the day of exam (Yonhap)

The nation woke up to clear skies, but clouds will start from the west in the afternoon, expanding nationwide overnight. Friday will see cloudy skies in most parts of the country.

Fine dust has been worsening over the course of this week due to air congestion in west, according to the National Institute of Environmental Research. The dust level will be “bad” in the capital area, South Chungcheong Province, Gwangju City and North Jeolla Province, and “average” in the rest of the nation.

Some central regions and mountain areas will see ice and frost, so extra caution is advised in managing crops and forestry.

By Choi Ji-won (