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[팟캐스트] (273) 떡볶이, 수소차


진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Exports of traditional 'tteok,' 'topokki' food on the rise: data

기사요약: 한국 음식에 대한 수요가 증가함에 따라 떡과 떡복이 수출도 상승세를 타고 있습니다. 한국농수산유통식품공사는 수출 초창기 교민 중심으로 판매되던 떡과 떡볶이가 글로벌 시장에서 현지화에 성공하고 있는 것으로 풀이했습니다.


[1]Exports of traditional rice-based food, such as "tteok" and "topokki," are on the rise amid growing global demand for Korean food, data by the state-run food trade corporation showed Sunday.

* state-run: 정부에서 운영하는

[2]According to the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp., exports of South Korean-made tteok products that include topokki reached $15.65 million in 2017, up a sharp 29 percent from $12.1 million a year earlier.

*Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp: 한국농수산유통식품공사

[3]Tteok is rice cake that can be eaten as a snack or used as an ingredient in food, while topokki is one of the most popular street snacks in South Korea, where tube-shaped tteok is broiled in hot pepper paste and served with eggs, toppings, noodles and fish cake.

*broil: 굽다/ 요리되다
*hot pepper paste: 고추장

[4]Compared with 2013, overseas shipments of tteok products surged 147 percent, with the total volume rising 60 percent from 4,931 tons to 7,851 tons in the five-year period.

*surge: 상승하다
*volume: 용량

[5]The aT Center said that while overseas demand was initially centered on Korean nationals living abroad, there has been a steady rise in demand from foreign consumers. It said ordinary Americans and Europeans were attracted by the perceived health benefits of eating gluten-free rice-based food, while in places like Japan, China and Southeast Asia, the Korean Wave, or the popularity of Korean pop culture abroad, is fueling consumption.

*steady: 꾸준한
*perceived: 인지하다
*health benefits: 건강 이점


2. Hyundai Motor heir touts hydrogen as ultimate clean energy

기사요약: 지난주 싱가포르에서 열린 경제 포럼에 참석한 정의선 현대차 수석 부회장은, 수소 에너지를 청정 에너지 사회로의 전환에 핵심적 역할을 할 것이라고 했습니다. 미래 친환경자동차 시장에서 패권을 차지하기 위해 전기차와 수소차가 격돌하고 있습니다.


[1]Amid Hyundai Motor’s efforts to capitalize on its fuel cell electric vehicles, its Chief Vice Chairman Chung Eui-sun zoomed in on hydrogen energy as a key economic and social solution for clean mobility at a forum in Singapore last week, the company said Sunday.

* capitalize on A: A를 활용하다/ 기회로 삼다
* zoomed in A: A에 집중하다
* clean mobility: 친환경 차량

[2]“The report (released by the UN) warns us that we must decrease global greenhouse gas emissions 45 percent below 2010 levels by 2030, in order to avoid a catastrophe. I sincerely believe without any shadow of doubt that hydrogen has a place as a central pillar to the clean energy transition,” Chung said at the opening speech of a discussion arranged by Hyundai at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum last week.

*catastrophe: 재앙
*without any shadow of a doubt: certainly
*pillar: 기둥

[3]Citing the transportation sector as the first industry the carmaker is likely to target, Chung added, “But our commitments go beyond transportation, and we will make sure to send out the message that hydrogen can deliver economically viable, financially attractive, and socially beneficial solutions.”

*viable: 실행 가능한

[4]The discussion dealt with creating an emissions-free society and sustainable development, led by President of the Royal Economic Society Nicholas Stern, and joined by Kim Sae-hoon, vice president of Hyundai Motor’s fuel cell group, CEO of Macquarie Group Asia Ben Way, and founder and managing partner of FutureMap Parag Khanna as panelists.

[5]During the discussion, Macquarie Group Asia CEO Ben Way urged governments to adopt consistent policies for the market to gain confidence in renewable energy, ultimately to attract participation from members of the society and engineers in the transition to clean energy.

*consistent: 일관성 있는
*policy: 정책
*renewable energy: 신재생 에너지
* in the transition to A: A로의 전환

[6]As the global automotive industry and governments search for clean mobility, Hyundai Motor has been trying to promote hydrogen cars as the ultimate eco-friendly transportation.

*promote: 알리다

