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US commander supports inter-Korean military deal on reducing tension

The commander of United States Forces Korea said Sunday he supports an inter-Korean military agreement on reducing tension.

Gen. Robert B. Abrams, who took command as head of US troops here last week, made the remarks as he visited the truce village of Panmunjom inside the Demilitarized Zone dividing the Korean Peninsula.


Seoul and Pyongyang signed the comprehensive military agreement on Sept. 19, including measures to prevent armed confrontation along the Military Demarcation Line and on the Northern Limit Line, a de facto sea border in the Yellow Sea.

As part of the military agreement, Seoul and Pyongyang have also withdrawn troops and firearms from dozens of their border guard posts.

South Korea has already started demolishing some of the guard posts, a source said, adding that North Korea has also been seen destructing some of their border military installations.

During their general-grade military talks last month, the two Koreas agreed to each withdraw 11 GPs in the DMZ by the end of this month. (Yonhap)
