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[Profile] Cheong Wa Dae taps insiders for reshuffle of top posts

In replacing the top two economic policymakers on Friday, Cheong Wa Dae has chosen insiders from the incumbent bureaucratic society. 

Hong Nam-ki, 59, who was named to replace Kim Dong-yean as deputy prime minister and finance minister, has been serving as chief of the Office for Government Policy Coordination since May 2017, the beginning of the Moon Jae-in administration.

He is marked for his diverse experience not only in government departments, but also in the presidential secretariat under former liberal President Roh Moo-hyun and conservative President Park Geun-hye.


Born in 1960 in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, he passed the civil service examination in 1985.

After earning his bachelor’s degree in economics and a Master of Business Administration at Hanyang University, he added a master’s in economics from Britain’s University of Salford.

To replace Hong in his former post, Noh Hyeong-ouk, deputy chief of the Office for Government Policy Coordination is to be promoted to chief.

(From left) Hong Nam-ki, Kim Soo-hyun, and Noh Hyeong-ouk.
(From left) Hong Nam-ki, Kim Soo-hyun, and Noh Hyeong-ouk.

Kim Soo-hyun, senior presidential secretary for social affairs, is to be promoted to chief of staff for policy, replacing Jang Ha-sung.

Having formerly served as deputy minister of environment and chief of the Seoul Institute, Kim is an expert in environmental issues and urban planning. He was awarded a doctorate at Seoul National University Graduate School of Environmental Studies.

Kim’s current post will be filled by Kim Yeon-myung, professor of social welfare at Chung-Ang University.

By Bae Hyun-jung (