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Summit agreement with NK automatically introduced to parliamentary committee

The government's request for parliamentary ratification of President Moon Jae-in's first summit agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was automatically introduced to the parliamentary foreign affairs committee on Thursday.


By law, the request, which was sent to the National Assembly on Sept. 11, can be introduced to the committee 20 days later. If it's not introduced in the following 30 days, it is automatically put on the committee's agenda at its first meeting convened after the period, unless the rival parties agree otherwise.

The summit agreement, known as Panmunjom Declaration, contains a series of broad agreements between the two Koreas to halt "all hostile acts" against each other, explore ways to enhance cross-border exchanges and pursue the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Conservative opposition parties, including the main opposition Liberty Korea Party, have been negative about the government's request for the deal's ratification, claiming that the exact cost of carrying out the agreement has not been calculated.
