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Seodaemun-gu Office adopts ‘gapjil’ report system

The office of Seodaemun-gu, an administrative district in Seoul, said Monday it has installed an internal system to report acts of corruption and “gapjil,” a local term referring to abuses of power.

Typical gapjil incidents include the use of abusive language, bullying, sexual harassment, asking for personal errands and demanding favoritism toward a specific individual.


Any public official working in Seodaemun-gu can report their superior’s “gapjil” through the system, which has been added to the district’s internal web portal.

Reports are anonymous, along with any other personal information that could indicate the reporter.

If the report is confirmed to be true, the offender will be strictly penalized according to the district’s zero-tolerance policy. The superior of the offender will also be penalized if he or she fails to protect the victim.

In addition, a satisfaction survey for the victim will be conducted after the case is closed.

“A transparent and equal culture among public officials will protect the rights of each individual and lead to an effective administrative service for everyone,” said Mun Seok-jin, head of the Seodaemun-Gu office.

By Kim Jee-min (