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S. Korea intrusion a petty case: Hatta

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa said on Monday an intrusion into a hotel room where Indonesian officials were staying during an recent official visit in Seoul, South Korea, was a misunderstanding.

Hatta, who headed a delegation consisting of 50 officials to Seoul between Feb. 14 and 17, said the three apparent intruders were actually hotel guests who happened to enter the wrong room.

“Instead of entering their own room, 1961, the guests unintentionally entered room 2061, which belonged to an Industry Ministry official,” said Hatta on the sideline of a Cabinet meeting at the Bogor Presidential Palace.

“But the misunderstanding was immediately cleared up. And the laptop which was unintentionally opened by the guests consisted only of Power Point slide shows about the condition of our industry which would be presented by Industry Minister M. Hidayat before our Korean counterparts ,” he said.

The delegation stayed at Lotte Hotel, a luxurious establishment located in downtown Seoul. 

The Lotte Hotel Suite where the Indonesian delegates were reported to have stayed. (Yonhap News)
The Lotte Hotel Suite where the Indonesian delegates were reported to have stayed. (Yonhap News)

South Korean media reported three unidentified intruders — two men and a woman — broke into a suite on the 19th floor of the Lotte Hotel in Seoul where Indonesian Presidential envoys were staying during a state visit from Feb. 15 to Feb. 17.

Seoul police said they suspected the intruders — all presumed to be Asian — had copied computer files containing sensitive military procurement information from the laptop using USB memory sticks, Yonhap news agency reported.  (The Jakarta Post, ANN member)

<한글 기사>

印尼 특사단장 "호텔 숙소 침입은 오해"

인도네시아 대통령 특사단을 이끌고 방한했던 하따 라자사 경제조정장관이 특사단이 묵던 호텔에 괴한이 침입한 것은  '오해'였다 고 말했다고 인도네시아 영자지 자카르타포스트 인터넷판이 22일 보도했다.

신문에 따르면 하따 장관은 전날 대통령궁에서 열린 각료회의 참석 중 이번 사건에 대해 3명의 침입자는 방을 잘못 알고 들어온 호텔 손님들이었다고 말했다.

그는 "그 손님들은 자기들 방인 1961호실 대신 인도네시아 산업부 관리들이 묻던 2061호에 별생각 없이 들어갔던 것"이라고 설명했다.

그는 이어 "하지만 오해는 바로 풀렸다"며 "손님들이 무심코 열어본 랩톱 컴퓨터에는 M. 히다얏 산업장관이 한국 관리들에게 설명하려고 준비한 인도네시아 산업 현황에 대한 파워포인트가 들어 있었다"고 덧붙였다.

신문은 한국 언론 보도를 인용해 지난 15~17일 방한한 특사단 숙소에 남자 2명과 여자 1명 등 괴한 3명이 침입했으며, 한국 경찰은 이들이 메모리 스틱으로 랩톱 컴퓨터에서 민감한 국방 기밀 등을 복사한 것으로 의심하고 있다고 전했다.
