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Moon to kick off series of regional trips to boost local economies

President Moon Jae-in will kick off a series of regional visits across the country with a trip to the southwestern city of Gunsan on Tuesday as part of efforts to help boost regional economies, his spokesman said.

"Beginning with a visit to North Jeolla Province on Oct. 30, President Moon will travel to cities and provinces across the nation one by one," presidential spokesman Kim Eui-kyeom said in a statement. "This is part of efforts to breathe vigor into the regions and help them take the initiative in pushing forward with development strategies."

Kim said that Moon will make regional visits whenever possible so as to meet with regional businessmen, small merchants and young people and discuss with them regional development strategies. The government believes provincial regions should take the lead in drawing up development strategies while the central government plays a supporting role, he said.


On Tuesday, Moon was to visit the western port city of Gunsan to attend a ceremony announcing plans to establish a renewable energy production complex on a vast tract of reclaimed land. The trip is also meaningful as Gunsan's economy was dealt a blow after General Motors Co. shut down an assembly plant in the city earlier this year.

Moon plans to unveil his vision for a top-notch renewable energy production cluster in the reclaimed Saemangeum region by 2022. The government reportedly plans to set up a massive complex of solar and wind power plants capable of producing as much power as four nuclear power reactors before Moon's term ends in 2022.

Reducing South Korea's reliance on nuclear power was one of Moon's key campaign promises. During the campaign, he called for increasing renewable energy to about 20 percent of the country's total power production by 2030.

Later in the day, Moon also plans to travel to the southeastern city of Gyeongju to attend a ceremony marking Local Autonomy Day.

He's expected to stress the importance of local economy and talk about ways to boost the economy of the region. (Yonhap)
