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Swedish seminar on green growth

The Embassy of Sweden and the Swedish Trade Council are holding a seminar on “Opportunities for cooperation between Sweden and Korea in sustainability and green growth.”

Swedish Trade Minister Ewa Bjorling will lead a Swedish delegation consisting of government officials and company representatives that have good knowledge of and experience in sustainable development.

The seminar will be held on Feb. 11 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel from 2-5 p.m.

“Sweden is at the forefront in terms of environmentally friendly alternatives in ICT, transportation, energy and construction,” said Swedish Ambassador Lars Vargo.

Since 1990, Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions have decreased by 9 percent, despite the fact that the economy over the same period grew by 44 percent.

“This indicates that an economy in expansion does not necessarily have to increase its carbon dioxide release,” he said.

This seminar will focus and speakers from Sweden will highlight best practices while debating solutions for the future on how to reach sustainable development of energy systems, ICT, transportation and construction, taking into account ecological considerations.

Speakers represent high level authorities and companies from Sweden.