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Carbon Capture and Storage Mission

The Canadian Embassy is to host, together with the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, a delegation of Canadian carbon capture and storage academics, industry professionals and governmental agencies.

On Feb. 14, the delegates will participate in a half-day seminar showcasing Canadian and Korean capabilities in CCS in order to increase awareness and knowledge of each other’s strengths and allow participants to see where collaboration and investment could occur.

The seminar will conclude with a networking luncheon hosted by Ambassador Ted Lipman, followed by opportunities for one-on-one meetings before the delegates continue on to Japan.

During the seminar, Natural Resources Canada and the Knowledge and Economy Ministry will have a signing ceremony for a recently concluded memorandum of understanding that will facilitate collaboration on various green energy technologies, including CCS.

More information can be had by visiting the Canadian Embassy’s site at or by calling the Trade Department at (02) 3783-6000.