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N. Korea calls US sanctions 'source of mistrust'

North Korea's official newspaper on Thursday denounced the United States for clinging to its sanctions on Pyongyang, saying they are a source of growing mistrust and could possibly undercut any progress in denuclearization talks.

The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the North's ruling party, made the accusation ahead of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's travel to Pyongyang set for Sunday to keep denuclearization talks going and discuss a second summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

"There is nothing the US could get from sanctions and it is no other than them who will be put at disadvantage," the newspaper said in a commentary. "As we did in the past, we will never beg the US to lift those sanctions."


The newspaper added denuclearization is a fruit that "grows on trust building" between the two countries. "Sanctions are a major source of cause for our growing mistrust with the US," it said.

Apparently pointing to its pledges during a summit with South Korean last month to dismantle a missile engine and launching pad site and possibly shutting down its key nuclear complex in Yongbyon, it called those measures a clear expression of its commitment to denuclearization and "good-will" and "reconciliatory" gestures.

"But the US is coming up with a thorny stick of maintaining or intensifying sanctions. How senseless and rude they are!" the newspaper said.

"It is a consistent assessment by people that the US' inappropriate attitude of talking only about sanctions are casting (a) shadow over efforts of building trust and improving relations, potentially bringing all things back to the starting point," it added.

The North has been stepping up its pressure on the US to take "corresponding" reciprocal measures. Watchers say that North Korea is seeking sanctions relief or the declaration of a formal end to the 1950-53 Korean War as concessions.

The US has rejected such demand as it wants Pyongyang to take more substantive denuclearization steps. It has also vowed to keep sanctions in place until the North completely gives up its nuclear weapons program.

Speaking to the United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York last week, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho said there will be no unilateral denuclearization without any trust in the US and confidence in its own national security. (Yonhap)
