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Police mull bodily harm charges against Goo Ha-ra

Police are reportedly considering bodily harm charges against singer Goo Ha-ra over an alleged assault on her beau during a late-night row at her apartment last month.

Several media outlets, including Edaily, reported that the Gangnam Police Station might bring criminal charges against the troubled singer.

If she faces bodily harm charges, which are of a more serious nature than assault charges in Korean law, Goo will be investigated by the prosecution and still face criminal penalties even if the victim does not want to press charges. 

The latest development in the ongoing mudslinging comes after police looked at her now-ex-boyfriend’s medical report.

In September, a blurred picture of Goo’s ex-boyfriend’s face bearing deep scratches was met with public outrage when it was published online.

Police are reportedly looking at charges against Goo’s ex-boyfriend, who has also been accused of being violent toward Goo during the same row.

The case shows no signs of being resolved anytime soon, with contradictory accounts from the two parties involved.

By Yim Hyun-su (