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[Ferdinando Giugliano] Italy’s extraordinary act of self-harm

The budget that the Italian government is about to pass is a remarkable act of economic self-harm.

The measures defy the rules of prudent debt management in order to fund outlays that will do little to improve Italy’s competitiveness. Most important, they tell investors that the populists have the upper hand in government. Italy’s creditworthiness is now that of its ruling parties: the League and the 5-Star Movement.

The Italian government aims to run a budget deficit of 2.4 percent of gross domestic product next year, up from a forecast of below 2 percent in 2018. 

This change provides only a small fraction of what would be needed to fund the lavish coalition agreement between the League and 5SM. But it’s a huge shift from the deficit of 0.8 percent forecast by the previous government.

These may look like marginal changes, but they must be put in context. Italy’s public debt stands at more than 130 percent of GDP -- the largest in the eurozone after Greece. For the past few years, Italy has benefited from ultralow interest rates thanks to the European Central Bank’s quantitative easing. The ECB is now pulling back from net purchases, leaving governments with a much thinner safety net. This isn’t the time for extravagance.

Italy’s growth rate tells a similar story. The government has enjoyed a phase of mild expansion after a long recession. Prudent bean-counting would recommend shrinking the debt-to-GDP ratio somewhat sharply. But the new deficit target is far too high. A sensible compromise could have been around 1.6 percent, as originally proposed by Finance Minister Giovanni Tria.

What’s worse, the extra borrowing will be used for giveaways that will simply worsen Italy’s structural problems. A sounder plan would have seen Italy borrowing more only to invest more. Instead, the new government is planning to lower the retirement age for some workers and sharply increase the lowest pensions.

That will make the pension system less sustainable. Nor are the steps equitable. Italy has a huge generational divide, which worsened since the financial crisis. The League and 5SM will make today’s younger workers pay for the handouts to the over-60s.

5SM and the League have rowed back on many promises such as a steep cut in income taxes. While there will be tax cuts, they’re only for some self-employed workers. But they’ve shown much more assertiveness over the past few weeks, sidelining Tria -- who had won the confidence of the markets.

Tria has chosen not to resign, reportedly following the advice of Italian president Sergio Mattarella. But even if he stays, he looks a spent force. His lines in the sand have been repeatedly crossed by Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini, the 5SM and League leaders.

They do, of course, have a democratic mandate. But that won’t stop the great escape from Italy’s assets, which started on Friday. Investors need to decide whether to give their money to a country where De Maio and Salvini are truly in charge. It’s not an exciting prospect.

By Ferdinando Giugliano

Ferdinando Giugliano writes columns and editorials on European economics for Bloomberg Opinion. -- Ed.
