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N. Korea again designated as a food-deficit country

A United Nations agency has listed North Korea as a food-deficit country in need of external assistance, a US broadcaster reported Saturday.

In its latest report, the Food and Agriculture Organization put the communist country on a list of 39 countries that need external food assistance, calling for 641,000 tons of crops to be imported to sustain the people, according to the Radio Free Asia.

Farmers plant rice on a paddy in South Hwanghae Province in North Korea on May 22, 2018. (Yonhap)
Farmers plant rice on a paddy in South Hwanghae Province in North Korea on May 22, 2018. (Yonhap)

This year's shortfall is 130,000 tons larger than that of last year, it added.

Below-average rainfall and high temperatures on the Korean Peninsula between July and August caused lower crop yields, the FAO said, adding, "Reflecting expectations of a reduced 2018 main season cereal output, most households are anticipated to continue to experience borderline or poor food consumption rates."

Of the 39 nations requiring outside assistance, 31 are from Africa, and seven, including the North, are from Asia, the report said. (Yonhap)
