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[Breaking] N. Korea's Kim sends expensive yet touchy gift to Moon

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has sent a vast amount of expensive pine mushrooms to South Korea as a gift for President Moon Jae-in, Moon's top press secretary said Thursday.

The special gift arrived in South Korea earlier in the day, well before Moon returned from the North after his three-day trip there, according to Yoon Young-chan.

Pine mushrooms from Kim Jong-un (Pyongyang Press Corps.)
Pine mushrooms from Kim Jong-un (Pyongyang Press Corps.)

"While the president and his wife continued to stay in the North, Chairman Kim Jong-un's gift arrived here. Two tons of pine mushrooms arrived at Seoul Air Base early this morning," he told a press briefing.

Moon has instructed his office Cheong Wa Dae to equally share the mushrooms among all separated families here that have yet to be reunited with their loved ones in the North.

"I hope the mushrooms, with the scent of North Korea intact, may offer some condolence," Moon was quoted as saying.

The divided Koreas resumed their joint events to reunite separated families in August after nearly three years.

Still, tens of thousands remain separated from their family members since the end of the 1950-53 Korean War. (Yonhap)
