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N. Korea's media extensively report on summit agreements

North Korea's media extensively reported Thursday on a joint declaration signed by the leaders of the Koreas following their third summit talks in Pyongyang.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed the joint declaration Wednesday, pledging to make the Korean Peninsula a land of peace free of nuclear weapons and nuclear threats.

They also vowed to cooperate in easing military tensions and boost cross-border exchanges and cooperation. 

(Pyongyang Press Corps.)
(Pyongyang Press Corps.)

"Kim Jong Un noted that the issues of further accelerating the progress of the north-south relations so as to give steady continuity to a new era of national reconciliation and peace and prosperity were discussed in depth," the Korean Central News Agency reported in English, citing leader Kim's remarks during a press conference on Wednesday.

"He said that they discussed the practical measures to comprehensively develop the inter-Korean ties based on the principle of national independence, signed an agreement in the field of military and agreed to strive to make the Korean peninsula a peaceful land without nuclear weapons and free from nuclear threats," it added.

The KCNA also quoted Kim as saying that the two leaders discussed "detailed ways of invigorating visits, contacts, multi-sided dialogue, cooperation and diverse exchanges between people of all social standings so as to make the strong trend of national reconciliation and reunification prevail."

In a separate report, the KCNA introduced the full text of the joint declaration, which included the North's pledge to dismantle its missile test facility and launch pads in Dongchang-ri and Kim's promise to visit Seoul for a summit.

The KCNA, however, did not report on agreements the two Koreas reached on the same day to reduce military tensions across their border.

The two Koreas agreed Wednesday to set maritime, air and ground buffer zones in front-line areas as part of efforts to reduce military tensions, prevent accidental clashes and build trust.

They also promised to halt military drills near the military demarcation line, withdraw some border guard posts, disarm the Joint Security Area in the Demilitarized Zone and jointly excavate war remains in the buffer zone.

The KCNA reported in detail on other schedules for the South Korean president, including his participation in the North's mass gymnastic performance late Wednesday.
