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Ministry denies Seoul and Washington's push for OPCON transfer with specific date in mind

South Korea's defense ministry on Wednesday dismissed a claim that Seoul and Washington have been pushing for the transfer of wartime operational control with a specific timeline in mind.

During a presentation at a security forum, Yeo Suk-joo, deputy minister for policy, said that the Moon Jae-in government's position is to push for the transfer by securing needed defense capabilities at an early date.


"The principle of the early, conditions-based transfer of wartime operational control does not mean that we will advance the date for the handover when our military has yet to secure capabilities," Yeo said.

"The claim by some that we are pushing for the early OPCON transfer with a specific date is not true," he added.

Yeo has been involved in the consultations with Washington over the OPCON transfer, after which South Korea will take the lead in wartime military operations with the US playing a supporting role. (Yonhap)
