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Independence fighter Ahn Jung-geun’s life to be made into Korea-China coproduction drama

A drama series about Korean independence fighter Ahn Jung-geun will be jointly produced by Korea and Chinese companies.

The Yoon Media Group, a Korean production company, announced Wednesday that it had signed an agreement with a Chinese firm to produce a blockbuster drama series on the life of Ahn.

Shooting for “The Sun of the Snow Country,” an epic 43-part drama series, is set to begin in October, with the aim of airing it first in China in the second half of 2019. 

Ahn Jung-geun
Ahn Jung-geun

Around 90 percent of casting has been completed, but the actor for the lead role has yet to be decided. The production team is considering a well-known Korean star for the role.

Shooting will take place at a set in Korea and locations in China and Russia, as Ahn fought as an independence activist in the three countries. The production cost is estimated at over 40 billion won ($35.9 million).

“The drama is about Ahn’s life from birth to death. It will make people recognize Ahn’s love for the nation, while Korea goes through a tumultuous period with Japan taking away its sovereignty,” a statement from The Yoon Media Group read.

Ahn is a national hero in Korea. He assassinated Hirobumi Ito, a prominent Japanese statesmen, in 1909 at Harbin, China, as part of a movement to liberate Korea from Japanese colonial rule.

By Im Eun-byel (