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Busan offers transport fees to senior citizens who give up driver’s license

As part of efforts to reduce car accidents involving senior citizens, Busan City said it will provide transport allowances and other benefits to those aged 65 or above who voluntarily surrender their driver’s licenses.

The city government said Wednesday that senior citizens born before or on Dec. 31, 1953 will be given public transport cards worth 100,000 won ($89) in return for giving up their driving licenses.

The offer is limited to 400 senior citizens who sign up this year, a city official said, adding that if more people apply for the transport allowance, they will be eligible to get it next year.


In cooperation with the Busan Police, the city has also started issuing cards that offer up to 40 percent discounts at hospitals, restaurants, optical stores and clothing stores to senior citizens who give up their driving licenses.

The number of businesses offering the discounts will be increased from the current 1,239 to 1,600 by the year- end, a city official said.

“Japan introduced incentives for those giving up their driving licenses in 1998, and more than 200,000 senior citizens are returning their licenses each year,” he said.

“Through the incentives and other measures, we aim to halve senior citizen casualties from car accidents by 2022.”

By Kim So-hyun (