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Top US senator says Kim took Trump to the cleaners

WASHINGTON -- The top Democrat in the US Senate claimed Tuesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un took US President Donald Trump "to the cleaners" at their meeting in Singapore last month.

The remark from Sen. Chuck Schumer, the minority leader, came as he expressed his reservations about an upcoming one-on-one meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.


"When the president met with President Xi, when the president met with Kim Jong-un, they took him to the cleaners, it seems, and got what they wanted and we didn't get much of what we wanted," Schumer said, referring first to Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

"It's even worse for him to meet with a very, very clever, out for himself man like President Putin alone. And I am very much afraid what he would give away without any advisers to keep him in check," he added.

Trump and Kim held a historic summit in Singapore on June 12 and each committed to the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for US security guarantees.

Schumer added to the charge among critics that Trump gave away too much, such as the suspension of joint South Korea-US military exercises condemned by Pyongyang as an invasion rehearsal, in return for a vague promise to dismantle the regime's nuclear weapons program. (Yonhap)