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Syrian national arrested for inviting people to join IS

INCHEON -- A Syrian national has been taken into custody by South Korean police for showing footage of Islamic State militants to other foreigners and asking them to join the terrorist group, officials said Thursday.

The international crime unit of the Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency placed in detention a 33-year-old man, whose name was withheld, and referred his case to the prosecution, recommending an indictment on a charge of violating anti-terrorism law. 


It is the first time a suspect has been arrested on such a charge since the law was enacted in 2016, police said. Violation of anti-terrorism law in South Korea carries a maximum prison term of five years.

The suspect came to Korea in 2007 seeking asylum as his country was in the middle of a civil war. But his application was never approved by the Korean immigration office. Instead he was granted a temporary humanitarian stay visa and had been working at a junkyard in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province.

Police believe that he actually has ties to IS, having found evidence of such activity by tracking his cellphone.

He also has a record of traveling back and forth between his homeland, the Middle East and Korea. (Yonhap)
