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Proportion of women in executive branch exceeds 50% for first time

Women accounted for more than 50 percent of all employees of the government's executive branch as of the end of last year for the first time since the government's establishment, data from the Ministry of Personnel Management showed Thursday.

Central government employees totaled about 656,000, and 50.2 percent of them, or about 329,000, were women, the data showed. It marked the first time that the proportion of women has exceeded that of men in the central government.

That's in line with the growing presence of women in all sectors of South Korean society.


According to the ministry statistics, the total number of public servants came to 1.06 million. Of them, 656,000 belonged to the central government, 377,000 were with local governments, and the rest were officials of the legislative and judiciary branches, as well as the Constitutional Court and the National Election Commission.

The proportion of women among all public servants, including local government employees, was 46 percent as women accounted for 39.2 percent of local government officials.

The proportion of female employees in the central government has been on a steady rise from 25.2 percent in 1987 to 32.4 percent in 1997, 45.2 percent in 2007 and 50.2 percent last year.

"The fact that the proportion of women surpassed 50 percent for the first time will serve as an important point of inflection," Minister Kim Pan-suk said in a statement. "The proportion of women among supervisors and imbalances in the duties (of men and women) are among the tasks that we need to address going forward." (Yonhap)
