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Police to have more women in senior positions

Police said they will raise the proportion of women in senior positions and increase the number of female officers to investigate crimes against women. They will also not investigate charges pressed by an offender until the sexual crime case is sent to the prosecution.

A committee for gender equality under the National Police Agency reviewed Friday plans to be more gender sensitive in enforcing public security policies, better protect female victims of violence, improve organizational culture, and root out sexual harassment and violence within the police organization.

Police said they will adopt a government program to gradually increase the percentage of women in senior positions, such as inspectors, from the current 5 percent.


They also plan to set annual targets for hiring more female officers based on demand in each department, and raise the number of female officers in planning divisions of the NPA and regional police agencies.

All cases of sexual harassment and violence within the police organization will be handled at the office of the NPA director for human rights protection in order to better protect victims and swiftly deal with the cases. Offenders will be given zero tolerance, police said.

Police will also look into whether there are any gender discriminatory elements in their administrative rules or promotional materials, such as posters and placards, and improve them, in addition to putting together more gender sensitive statistics.

For sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, an exclusive team will be immediately sent to the site to separate the perpetrator and the victim. Situations in which the perpetrator is on the run will also be considered an emergency.

Police will also frequently search for hidden cameras used to secretly film women in public restrooms, and when an offender is caught, check whether the videos or photos have been leaked.

The NPA said it will set up a bureau for the protection of women and juveniles that handle crimes against them and related policies, and a research center for investigative strategies on violence against women.

By Kim So-hyun (