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Former South Korean president’s daughter accused of ‘gapjil’ by her ex-drivers

Roh So-young, director of a contemporary art gallery in Seoul and the daughter of former South Korean President Roh Tae-woo, has been accused by her former drivers of ‘gapjil,’ a Korean term that refers to abuse of subcontractors and employees by those in powerful positions.

According to local news reports, Roh Soh-young, 57, allegedly verbally abused her ex-drivers, for things such as not having any chewing gum ready in the car. One former driver claimed that Roh insulted him over unexpected traffic congestion, saying that the driver “has no brain” for having been unable to predict road conditions.

Another claimed that Roh fired him on the spot for dropping her off at the parking lot in the basement of a property, rather than in front of the building’s main entrance. Another ex-employee said Roh did not allow the drivers to turn on the air conditioner or heater while waiting for her in the vehicle.
Roh Soh-young (Yonhap)
Roh Soh-young (Yonhap)

The accusations of 'gapjil' against Roh come after a number of women in high-ranking positions in the corporate world, including Korean Air heiress Cho Hyun-ah, and her sister Cho Hyun-min, have been investigated for allegedly abusing those in less powerful positions. 

Roh's lawyer has told local media outlets that the accusations are "groundless" and one-sided.

Roh is currently in divorce proceedings with SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won, after he openly admitted in 2015 that he was in a relationship with another woman and that the two have a child together.

By Claire Lee (  
