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Seoul apparently confirms N. Korean leader's trip to China

A ranking official from Seoul's presidential office Cheong Wa Dae partly confirmed a trip by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to China Tuesday, saying the government is well aware of ongoing developments between Beijing and Pyongyang.

"We are getting enough information about conditions between the North and China," the official told reporters, asking not to be identified.

"Personally, I have come to realize our country's intelligence-gathering capabilities are quite remarkable," the official added.


The remarks came shortly after news reports that the North Korean leader may be en route to China aboard a North Korean aircraft often used by the country's highest leaders.

Seoul's Unification Ministry earlier said it was closely monitoring any new developments with all possibilities open.

Kim's trip, if made, is widely believed to be aimed at explaining the outcome of his summit with US President Donald Trump held in Singapore last Tuesday.

After the unprecedented US-North Korea summit ended with a joint statement, in which Kim reaffirmed his country's commitment to complete denuclearization, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came to Seoul to offer a first-hand account of the Trump-Kim meeting.

Trump has personally explained the outcome of the summit to South Korean President Moon Jae-in in a telephone conversation held just hours after his meeting with Kim. (Yonhap)
