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White House says it is 'not aware' of Trump-Kim phone call

WASHINGTON -- The White House said Monday it is "not aware" that US President Donald Trump called North Korean leader Kim Jong-un over the weekend as he earlier suggested.

Trump said last week after his historic meeting with Kim in Singapore that he would make a phone call to the North Korean leader on Sunday.

"I know the president has spoken with a number of administration officials that are working on the details following the North Korean summit, and we'll keep you posted on those details," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said at a regular press briefing. "But I'm not aware of a specific call between the two leaders at this time."


Trump also told reporters Friday that he gave Kim a "very direct number" to reach him "if he has any difficulty."

The two leaders declared in a joint text following the summit Kim's commitment toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and Trump's commitment to provide security guarantees to the regime.(Yonhap)
