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[2018 Local Elections] President Moon spends Election Day hiking mountain

President Moon Jae-in spent a rare free day on the local and gubernatorial Election Day on Wednesday by hiking Bugaksan with his dog, Maru.

Moon had already cast his vote Friday, the first day of the three-day advance voting weekend. First lady Kim Jung-sook had accompanied him at the temporary voting station set up at Samcheong-dong community service center.

So on Election Day itself, a state-designated holiday encouraging people to spend their free day by going to the polls, President Moon took Maru out to Bugaksan where he greeted other hikers with cordial hellos. 

President Moon Jae-in hikes with six commendable citizens on New Year`s Day (top), first lady Kim Jung-sook plays with Maru. (Photos provided by Cheong Wa Dae)
President Moon Jae-in hikes with six commendable citizens on New Year`s Day (top), first lady Kim Jung-sook plays with Maru. (Photos provided by Cheong Wa Dae)

A fellow hiker uploaded a selfie taken with the president, writing, “An old gentleman with a dog said hi, I was about to say hello back and move on but then, huh? ... I’m in luck today.”

Moon is known for his hiking enthusiasm. In May 2017 on the weekend following his election to the presidency, he chose to climb the Bugaksan with the press in tow. In August 2017, for his first summer vacation, Moon went to Odaesan in Gangwon Province. On New Year’s Day, he went to Bukhansan with six commendable citizens who had acted selflessly to save others’ lives.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (