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[US-NK Summit] Trump boasts outcome of summit with NK leader Kim

SINGAPORE -- US President Donald Trump on Wednesday boasted of the results of his historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore the previous day.

 "Great progress was made on the denuclearization of North Korea. Hostages are back home, will be getting the remains of our great heroes back to their families, no missiles shot, no research happening, sites closing," Trump tweeted.

"Got along great with Kim Jong-un who wants to see wonderful things for his country. As I said earlier today: Anyone can make war, but only the most courageous can make peace!" he added.

A short video, produced by the White House for US President Donald Trump to show North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during their historic summit, screens for journalists awaiting a Trump press conference at the Capella Hotel in Singapore on Tuesday. (EPA-Yonhap)
A short video, produced by the White House for US President Donald Trump to show North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during their historic summit, screens for journalists awaiting a Trump press conference at the Capella Hotel in Singapore on Tuesday. (EPA-Yonhap)

In later postings, Trump thanked Kim for taking a "bold" step toward a "bright future" for his people and said that their Tuesday summit helps the world stay a big step away from potential nuclear catastrophe. 

"Our unprecedented meeting -- the first between an American President and a leader of North Korea -- proves that real change is possible," he said. 

"The World has taken a big step back from potential Nuclear catastrophe! No more rocket launches, nuclear testing or research! The hostages are back home with their families," he added. "Thank you to Chairman Kim, our day together was historic!"   

After the unprecedented summit on the Singaporean resort island of Sentosa, Trump and Kim issued a joint statement in which the North Korean leader reaffirmed his commitment to the "complete denuclearization" of the Korean Peninsula.

As part of the agreement, Trump earlier said that the North had agreed to dismantle a missile engine test facility. This comes after the North shut down its only known nuclear test site in Punggye-ri and returned three American citizens detained in the country to the US last month.   

However, Kim's commitment to denuclearization drew criticism, as it fell short of specifying what the process would entail. (Yonhap)
